Beitech School of Astronautics held a symposium to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the school

  Recalling the youth of the past as flowers, see the achievements of the present as proud。On the morning of September 19, the Academy of Astronautics held a symposium to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the school, and more than 50 members of the leadership team, representatives of returning alumni and representatives of teachers attended the symposium。The meeting was presided over by Long Teng, secretary of the Party Committee of the college。

  At the beginning of the event, the alumni watched the publicity video of the Academy of Astronautics and felt the new look of the Academy of Astronautics。

  On behalf of all teachers and students of the college, Longteng extended a warm welcome to the alumni attending the meeting,He gave a detailed introduction to the achievements of the school in discipline development, teaching staff, personnel training and scientific research in recent years,In reviewing the development of the college,I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the alumni for their support and assistance to our Alma mater and College over the years。

  At the symposium, the alumni expressed their gratitude for the training of their Alma mater, and said that they would continue to support the development and construction of their Alma mater, and would make speeches and suggestions on how to better promote the development of the college。The alumni unanimously agreed that the college should inherit the red gene, bravely shoulder the mission, take the road of red education, and train first-class talents for major fields of national demand;The College should continue to promote school-enterprise cooperation, gather the strength of alumni, and jointly promote the development of the college。I sincerely wish the Alma mater and the College continued to write splendid chapters and achieve new achievements。

  Dean Hou Xiao thanked alumni for their comments and suggestions。He says,The College will continue to carry forward the fine tradition of Beijing Institute of Technology,The original intention is not changed,Take root in China,Education for the party, education for the country,The college strives to bring together the wisdom and strength of all teachers and students,To live up to the expectations of the community and alumni,Adhere to the fundamental task of moral education,Continue to deepen school-enterprise cooperation,Create a new chapter for the college's career development。

  Remember the history, continue the chapter。The School of Astronautics is willing to work together with all sectors of society and alumni to make greater contributions to the country's social and economic development and the development of higher education, and to the construction of "double first-class" of Beijing Institute of Technology!